I am on a mission - to change my office from a muddle of clutter to a sleek paper-lite space that's so well organised I'll be able to lay my hands on any piece of information I need within about 5 seconds. I've known for ages I need to do this but this last week I've been looking for a whole heap of work I'd done on a new story. I've turned every piece of paper stacked on that desk upside down and inside out forty times looking for it. And I can't find it.
So here you have it - the before photo, and the after photo. It's going to take me a while to get to the after photo, but I've made the commitment and I'm determined that I'm not going to let clutter steal any more of my time.
Wish me luck.
Good luck, Fi! I know you can do it! Dana
Good luck, Fi. Although your before shot isn't looking too shabby. It makes my writing room look like a disaster zone.
I so understand the need to have things neat - because well I don't. And where I think things are is not where they end up being.
Good luck on your quest, though like Danielle, if that was my before shot, I would be a very happy writer. :))
Hi all
I must admit, my before shot looked nothing like that to start with. This is the pre-sorted version, stacked in five piles so I can get it on five different memory sticks. You should have seen it a week ago.
Progress to date
That big stack at the front is about 1/3 the size (stuff I really do have to keep), one of the piles at the back is gone and I'm feeling really good about throwing things out. There are four garbage bags full of paper shreds waiting to go down to the petstore for puppy bedding.
Down side: The paper shredder has given up the ghost and I spent about 4 hours looking for the pink memory stick, which I lost.
Your paper is better organized than mine. And good luck with the organization of your files. It is a daunting task that I failed to accomplish.
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