Three cheers for the Bootcampers! Thank you for hosting my recent interview with talented Silhouette Desire author Rachel Bailey. For those who don’t know Rachel Bailey, you’re in for a treat.
The following descriptors were taken from reviews for her North American January debut novel, Claiming His Bought Bride.
‘Complex. Page turner. Well crafted. Sensual love story.’
With such high praise, it’s no surprise this gifted author’s first book instantly landed on USA Today’s Best-Selling Books list. Congratulations, Rachel! BTW, for the lucky folks in Australia and New Zealand it’s out now. Look at these gorgeous covers.
So, what’s more exciting than a fabulous debut release? The immediate follow-up of Rachel’s second Silhouette Desire! The Blackmailed Bride’s Secret Child is on shelves in North America, but don’t fret dear friends in Australia and New Zealand. You can nab this story in March.
Enough of my yammering. Heeeeere’s Rachel!
Thanks for inviting me, Gail!
Would you tell us a bit about your first release?
Would you tell us a bit about your first release?
It’s about Damon, who’s driven by some dark forces from his childhood, and Lily who has left him once already because he couldn’t prioritize her in his life. They come back together because they need each other – Damon has a chance to finally get his father’s company back from his uncle, if he produces a legitimate heir for the uncle to leave his fortune to; and Lily has found she’s pregnant (from when they were together before). So they both lay down their conditions and strike a deal for a marriage of convenience. Of course, Damon’s pretty keen to turn it into a ‘real marriage’ and when he sets his mind to it, he can be pretty persuasive!
*Sigh* Damon the Divine! :)
With degrees in psychology and social work, it’s no wonder you have such great insights into you characters. When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?
It was a slow realization – I can’t pinpoint an exact decision or moment. But it happened about six years ago. Before that the idea of writing books for a living had never really occurred to me. I was a voracious consumer of books and as a child I’d written bad poetry for my mother and had ideas for books (even writing a couple of chapters), but being an author wasn’t something I’d even considered possible. I’m so glad it worked out this way, though!
So are we!
I love reunion stories such as yours, as do many readers. What appealed most about creating stories with this theme?
I love reading books about couples who’ve been torn apart and then found their way back together. One of my all time favourite books is Jane Austen’s Persuasion. Sometimes I think characters (like real people!) need some time apart to help them make the relationship work the second time around. Perhaps they need time to adjust to what’s happened, time to gain some emotional maturity, or time to appreciate what they’ve lost. But, ah, when they come back together—the right couple, the right situation—it’s powerful.
Rachel, would you mind sharing your typical workday with us? Do you sit down in an office at the same time every day? Or write on the go with a notebook?
I begin my days with a round of dog-tennis—I have four dogs and the excitement level in the house is very high until dog-tennis has been completed for the morning. Then I have breakfast with my husband and get stuck into my writing for the day (aka: spend the day dreaming about heroes and heroines and write all that down J). Then it ends up with another round of dog-tennis before dinner.
Doggie tennis – I love it! Is the score always 50-love? :)
What is your favourite part about being a writer?
Holding my very own book in my hands. And being able to give a copy to my husband and mother who are both so proud of me. J And being able to see it in the shops – I was all nerdy and took a photo. ;)
Would you give us a sneak peak to hold us until we can pick up your second book?
It’s another reunion book! J This one has some of my favourite story elements – a tortured hero who’s trying to hold back his intensely passionate nature, and a reunion between two people who were always meant to be together. And a dog in a small role. I love a dog in a story. Oh, and a few secrets to be discovered along the way…
I have my own copy but my lips are sealed. :)
What are you reading at the moment?
I’m having a phase of historicals. I’ve just finished Anne Gracie’s To Catch A Bride (fabulous!!) and am halfway through Emily May’s The Earl’s Dilemma (a stunning debut – she’s an author to watch!).
Rachel, thanks for sharing this time with us. It’s been fun!
Rachel, thanks for sharing this time with us. It’s been fun!
Want to know more about Rachel Bailey and her books? Check out the following websites:
Plus, there’s a spanking new blog entitled, LoveCats Downunder – a group of new category (cat) romance (love) authors.
If you leave a comment between now and Monday, one lucky winner will have their choice of either Claiming His Bought Bride or The Blackmailed Bride’s Secret Child. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, March 1st (or Tuesday’s early morning hours for the lovely people Downunder).

Thanks so much for joining us Gail & doing a great interview with Rachel!
Hooray! Rachel's blog interview is up. Don't be shy. I know you want to win her book. :)
Rachel, I can just imagine how excited you were when you saw your book on the shelf. Camera sounds just the thing. ;)
Gail, there is something about conferences that do turn introverts into extrovert. Though according to a test I did when I was at uni, I fell between the zones (neither of them). My tutor didn't know what to make of that! :))
Rachel, dear Rachel. So happy to see how well your books are doing. Next month we get The Blackmailed Bride's Secret Child and can't wait to do some more shelf arranging.
Hey we need a photo of you WITH your book on the shelf!!
I love how you begin your days with dog-tennis. I wish my dog would actually give me the ball to throw instead of wanting me to wrestle it out of his mouth!
Tamara, I love your avatar! :) Congratulations on being the first one in the draw. Good luck! :)
Dog tennis! That's hilarious, i love it! what a great way to start a day :-)
I agree, Eleni, we need a picture of Rachel and her book. :) BTW, congratulations on your stunning cover. Oh look, another cool avatar! :)
There was no need to rearrange books at my local store as there was only one Rachel Bailey book left. They must be selling out fast. :) I've put your name in the draw.
Robyn, my Irish Wolfhound refuses to play fair when I throw a tennis ball. She wants me to chase her. Hmm, I'll have to get pointers from Rachel on this doggie tennis business. Yay, we have a three-way tussle for Rachel's book. :)
Please put me (and my dogs!) in the draw too. Great interview, and knowing Rachel, her books will be superbly crafted page-turners. But I'm very surprised she didn't mention her other great love - chocolate!!!
Great interview Gail, and waving *hello* to Rachel!! Don't put me in the draw as I'm already lucky enough to score this prize! but wanted to cheer you on Rach, you're a fantastic writer and an inspiration to us all =)
You and your dogs are in the draw, Claire! :) And you described her books perfectly. I'm so glad you dropped by to give us the inside scoop on her other love. :)
Mel, I can tell you're a bright woman. Thanks for stopping by and helping us celebrate Rachel's success!
Gail, I already have Rachel's first book & planning on getting no. 2. Need to take some photos and rearrange shelving. So don't worry about placing me in the draw. Just wanted to support you and Rachel today on this fab interview.
Thanks, Eleni! :) Hey, I just had a brainwave. *Phew* Had to sit down for a moment. LOL! Since I live in Canada and there’s a little thing going on called the Olympics, I’m going to enter everyone in a second draw for some Olympic paraphernalia. FWIW, I thought the flag with the kangaroo wearing boxing gloves was adorable. :)
You’ll have to forgive me but I’m turning in to catch some zzzzzzzs but I’ll be back in a few hours. Not to worry, there’s still plenty of time to post comments for the draw. An entire weekend in fact! :) See you in a bit!
Oh that is so lovely of you Gail. Thank you.
And please do get some zzzzzsss you have plenty of time to read the comments.
Gail, what a fun interview and Rach - there is nothing nerdy about taking a photo of your book instore. I'd probably carry on so much I'd have very security camera zero-ing in on the mad woman in aisle 9 LOL.
Gail - glad you like out suodo national flag. Yes there are those who would liketo see the baxing kangaroo represtenting our fine cojntry on diplomatic building all over the world. Hmmm! I think I'll stick to the southern cross as my frist choice. BTW - loving the olympics - especially sonce we just won our second gold. Oi Oi Oi PS how cute is that my little CATCHA word verification word is UNDER. So bye from this downUNDER gal.
PPS I DESIRE to be in the draw too pls.
Great to see your book doing so well, Rachel. Of course I'm not at all surprised. Don't blame you one bit for taking a photo of your book in the shop. A very special moment for you. Looking forward to seeing your next book hit the shelves in Oz.
LOL, Damon the Divine! I agree with that :-)
Congrats Rachel on all your very well deserved success, and I'm sooo looking forward to reading your second book as soon as it hits our shelves!!
Hey, Rachel! Your dog tennis sounds like a riot! Good for fitness, even better for laughter!
Congratulations on your first two books! I know you're going from strength to strength with you fabulous stories!
PS Hey, when will you put the pic of you with Lily and Damon up on your website? Or maybe I haven't looked in the right place! Always possible! ;-)
Hey, Rachel! Your dog tennis sounds like a riot! Good for fitness, even better for laughter!
Congratulations on your first two books! I know you're going from strength to strength with you fabulous stories!
PS Hey, when will you put the pic of you with Lily and Damon up on your website? Or maybe I haven't looked in the right place! Always possible! ;-)
ack! I don't know what happened then but I published twice! Many apologies!
(sheepish grin)
Hi Rachel, just loved your debut book and can't wait for your next. Congratulations,
Margaret Midwood.
Wow, I'm not long home and reading all the wonderful comments! Thanks so much for visiting, everyone. There are some comments above I need to reply to - I'll be back soon!
Shoot! I meant to get here earlier. D’oh!
Jenn, glad you liked the interview. Rachel is a doll and easy to work with. Imagine, she didn't even demand chocolate in her dressing room. ;) Jenn, your wish is my command. Your name is in the hat for the draws. Good luck! :)
J, I bet Rachel can't wait to see her second book sitting on bookstore shelves. That feeling can't ever grow old. :)
Thank heavens Rachel writes such dreamy heroes. Speaking of dreamy, I like the sound of your Roman centurion. I'll be watching for Forbidden come September. :)
Sharon, let's start a movement demanding a picture of Rachel with Lily and Damon. That way it's bound to happen. :) Then we'll follow-up with a demand for Rachel with Nico and Beth. *G* No need to apologize for the extra posts. BTW, your book cover is beautiful. Congrats!
We're so glad you could stop by Margaret. Rachel's second book is worth the wait. Good luck! :)
Hooray, Rachel has arrived!!!! *Cue the streamers and the tootie horns* :) Congratulations on the first two in what's going to be a long line of successful books! WTG!! :)
Don't worry Gail, you have the next couple of days to be here. I'm the night owl that is just about to go get some sleep.
Joining you in celebrating Rachel's arrival :))
Hey Rachel *waving*
Lovely interview Gail and Rach.
I told my kids about dog tennis - unfortunately their ball skills aren't too good and our pooch ended up deserting the game. The boys will be sporting a few bruises too I think, but they had fun.
Might have to wait a few years before we try that agin, lol.
Don't put me in the draw for Rach's books as I was lucky enough to win them on the LoveCats blog.
Rachel, you will have to post a video on your website of you and your dogs playing dog tennis! Lots of people would love to see it, I'm sure. Could even go viral on Youtube!
I love reunion stories, there's something quite special about the idea of love being given a second chance. And when there's a secret baby involved too--well, what romance lover could resist?
Gail, I'll watch out for you in Nashville!
R, read your book (after I snatched it off Natasha!), loved it and loved Damon *swoon*. I also like a 'reunion' theme (has to be my all-time fave theme). Can't wait to read your second book.
Thanks for a great interview, Gail.
Back I go into hiding!
:-) Mon
Hi Guys!
Sorry to disappear on you for a day. :)
Anita, ah-ha! You've already won big. Good for you! :) Maybe your good fortune will continue. I've put your name in for the other draw. Good luck with the draw and with your future efforts at doggie tennis. :)
Fantastic news, Kandy! I'll keep an eye out for you too! :) Great avatar. Will you be selling books at the literacy signing? Sounds like it will be a great conference.
YouTube and viral dog tennis. LOL! Just think, soon people all over the world will be addicted to this new Olympic sport ... either that or we'll need an inoculation to cure the fever. ;)
Thanks, Monique! :) BTW, you're going to love nummy Nico. :) So glad you could pop out of hiding to join us.
Woo hoo! We’re ready to announce our giveaway prize winners! But first, thank you to everyone for making this time spent with the Bootcampers so special. Big hugs to all!
*cue the drum roll*
The virtual dice roller awarded Margaret Midwood as the winner of Rachel’s book giveaway! Congrats! Since you’ve read her debut release, Rachel will happily send you an autographed copy of her second book, The Blackmailed Bride’s Secret Child! Enjoy! :)
And Sharon Archer, you’re the gold medal winner for the Canadian Olympic draw! WTG!
Congratulations, ladies!! Please send your mailing information to and then watch the mail for your prizes. :)
Thanks again for making this so much fun!
Congrats to Margaret & Sharon!!!
And thank you Gail for joining us on Bootcamp.
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