In sunny Queensland we are sweltering through the end of a hot, wet summer. Last week we had 100mm of rain in a few hours causing local flooding and sending the weeds in our garden into overdrive. The days are hot and sticky, the nights aren't much better. It's not surprising I'm having difficulty writing a scene involving a fierce winter storm.
Cue the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Hours of watching snow and ice and cold. Research I told my hubby as I settled in on the lounge to watch a bit of ice skating. And a bit of cross-country. And then their was the curling, where the interesting fashions made for compelling watching. But still I struggled with my hero and heroine out in the weather.
Then the David Jones Winter Catalogue arrived.
More hats, coats, scarves and boots than I could poke a stick at. Of course everyone looked happy to be out in the weather, but at least from the chin down they looked like freezing was a possibility. So, in the interests of my story, it was off with their heads. With a little imagination my well dressed hero and heroine really were out in the cold. Of course, when that happens there's really only one way to get warm...
So, does the weather at home ever cramp your style when you're writing. And what's your preference for the perfect writing day - hot or cold?
Oh shocking that winter stuff is already crowding the catalogues. Don't they realise it's still hot here.
Anyway, I don't like it too be too hot. I don't like it to be too cold, I like it juuuuust right. (giggle). It helps the creativity keep going instead of sweltering or having teeth chattering.
At least you can look at the Olympics and partly imagine a fierce winter storm.
Research! LOL Fi. Supposedly 42 degrees today, definitely not winter coat weather. The heat won't hamper my writing - aircon's already on. When winter finally arrives and it's cold and miserable outside, I'll be snuggled up warm and cosy inside happily tapping away on my computer. So no, the weather doesn't really impact my writing - unfortunately there are plenty of other things that do.
There's no imaging a fierce storm where I live. The weatherman is predicting a major snow dump on Friday (potentially as much as a foot!). Trade ya! *g* A snow day like that equals no school. Hmm, maybe I'll lock myself in the bedroom with my laptop and hang out here. LOL!
Gail, I can't even imagine a foot of snow having only ever seen it once about six hours drive south of here. We'd gone especially to see it and it was about 5mm thick. Still made a anorexic looking snowman.
Janine, heard you guys haven't had any rain for months and everything is crunchy underfoot. 42 degrees must be killing anything that is left.
Eleni, David Jones has no idea. Imagine stocking winter gear like that in a sub-tropical city!
All the best for your writing.
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